Things that taste horrible: blue cheese, most fish, most green vegetables.
Best way to have a hamburger: With velveeta, bacon, dill pickle, kechup, mustard.
Alternative: With pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese.
Alternative: pork burger with provolone only.
Alternative: In "horseshoe" style smothered with cheese and french fries.
Pizza must have: Thick red sauce, cheese, a meat of some sort, perhaps green olives.
Alternative: Mini-pizzas on english muffins, bread, french bread, or tortillas.
Alternative: Tortillas with salsa and assorted toppings.
Things that are only worth it sliced up: most whole fruits--skin is too hard/fuzzy.
Things that need no help: Strawberries, red raspberries and others, grapes, bananas.
Allowed once in a while: bacon, fried mozzarella sticks, french fries, cake, cookies.
Friday, March 30, 2007
More food thoughts...
Posted by
12:40 PM
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Weirdest Thing You've Ever Eaten
Okay here goes:
Weirdest Eaten:
1. Dog or Cat Food
2. Fried Wild Rabbit
3. Chicken Livers
Weirdest Considered Eating but didn't follow through with:
1. Alligator
Weirdest Witnessed Eaten:
1. Dog biscuits
2. Whole goldfish
Posted by
9:23 AM
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
3 Things that make me smile :-)
My parents "puppy" chasing little kids' blowing bubbles and trying to eat them.
My husband doing any type of chore I haven't forced him to do.
Squirrels, bunnies, little furry things in general
Posted by
2:56 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
A redhead, blonde, and two brunettes
Posted by
8:56 PM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Recycling effort I can get behind
The new Harry Potter book is going green. I think recycling efforts are great and that everyone should do what they can, especially if there is a program offered where you live. If there's not and you can save some things up and transport them every once in a while to a place where you can recycle, that's great too. We used to save old aluminum cans as kids and turn them in for cash. Usually you didn't get a whole lot out of it, but it was fun nonetheless. Now it's getting to be more of a necessity. If you take the time to separate it out, you'll realize you have more recycleables than "real trash" most of the time. And, the more that's recycled the more trees there are for clean air, and I like clean air. Also the fewer chemicals pre-processed out in the envrionment the better. I read on the web recently that there are those out there that promote "not" using toilet paper and I'm not sure that I can agree to that. I can't get behind wiping my own behind. Maybe recycled toilet paper. But not none at all. Yuck.
Posted by
7:13 PM
The Weekend in Review
Posted by
10:00 AM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Deadpan comedy is best
Background: Detective Raines is visited by the ghost of a murder victim, when he solves her murder, she disappears. Scene: Graveyard in late afternoon. The set up: Detective Raines has been talking to his recently dead partner's ghost, trying to figure out why he keeps hanging around him--and his partner wants to know why he's walking with a cane when he got shot in the head. The hook: When asked by a grave tender who he was talking to, he explains, deadpan..."The dead. They hunger for human brains, the feasting will begin at sundown" they walk away his partner quips "jerk" and he says "I know"... Raines, NBC Click here for scene, forward to about 2 minutes left in clip.
Need I say more?
Posted by
10:02 PM
Mr. Mouse's Summer House
Well, by all accounts it looks like Mr. Mouse will be living in St. Louis this summer. It's kind of a relief to think that that is all decided. I really don't mind that he gets the opportunity--and if he's only about 3 hours away, it would be a lot better than across the country. We'll at least be able to see each other. And I didn't mind the house being quiet sometimes--plus I spent some time with my family (and their new puppies last year, which was very healing, actually)--kind of hard to feel alone with puppies licking every conceivable spot on your body that's not covered in clothing--face, toes, hands, etc.
Anyway, I think he'll be much happier getting a chance to get his "paws" on some real work for the summer than lazing about answering people's internet questions all day. And that makes me really happy for him. If I can stay here and keep working, and his pay is decent, we should be able to get the truck paid off through the summer okay, and that would be really nice.
More details when they are forthcoming...
Posted by
8:51 AM
My husband is awesome
Monday, March 12, 2007
Weekend Update
The time changed. Ick. I like it in the fall, not so much in the spring. This year we did not go to church, so we weren't getting up at "5" in the morning to go, whew! We have been trying to save money to pay off my truck, it's a pretty red F150, and we've got a ways to go, but we're working on it. So we aren't traveling as much. The cost of gas..sheesh!
I digress. We spent most of the weekend either working on Mr. Mouse's vehicle or lazing on the couch just hanging out. One of the many things we discussed was the possibility of a summer internship with me still living where we do, and him where we might possibly live in the future, about 3 hours away. Across state lines. Still, not too bad though, much better than Seattle, which is where he worked last summer. Far, far from the Midwest.
We did some "way in the future" prospecting on the housing market in our possible future home (one of my favorite pastimes), and found that the city itself has limited prospects in our market...5 plus acres without a house, maybe with buildings on it we went--back across state lines and sure enough, about a half hour commute from "the city" was some nice land of 2-20 plus acres sometimes for good prices. The ones that hadn't been sold out to developers yet because it's too far from "town"--and that's fine by me. I'm the kind that would like to have the free ability to dance naked in my front yard if I wanted to, and no one could see me--not even with needless to say, it was good to know that there is some commutable distance-property available that's not in subdivisions already. It's also in a college-town which would enable me to find a job. Yes! With little commute. Things are looking up--even in the far-distant future!
Posted by
2:44 PM
Friday, March 9, 2007
Why Does Bad Food Taste So Good?
Fairy Godmother: I don't care whose fault this was, just get it sorted! And could someone please bring me something deep fat fried and smothered in chocolate...Shrek 2
Like the Fairy Godmother, I'm interested in food that's really really bad for me when things go wrong, or when things go right, or.. just about any time. So why is the bad food so darn tasty? It's not fair.. why can't celery be bad for you? I guess in general I have given up most bad for me things, but I can't let go of pizza. I eat homemade, which is better for you, lower in fat, and eat lower fat ingredients like ham and green olives (which have healthy, not bad for you, fat), my favorite! I even cut the vegetable oil out of my pizza sauce! That's when we're good and cook at home, though, sometimes just a great big "insert chain name here" meal sounds so good. I think that's what we're doing tonight.. you have to be bad sometimes!
Posted by
5:32 PM
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Comments welcome
If you've found me--how on EARTH did you find me of all people blogging on the web...? be sure to say hi. If you do say hi, provide an email or way to contact you. It's more fun knowing who's out there than not...and while you're at it--build your own blog!
Posted by
2:54 PM
If I had a million dollars
Posted by
9:34 AM
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Stupid People
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former-Einstein
The only kind of person I don't like is the one who is intentionally stupid. The kind that knows better but does irresponsible or flat-out mean things anyway. This also includes "girls" who still act like they are 13 year olds cat-fighting when they are old enough to have kids of their own. And if it won't matter in 5 minutes or 5 years why make an issue out of it? Especially something that you might be tempted to make up-like spreading a rumor that isn't true.. umm hello? How old ARE you anyway? [This is not directed at anyone in particular, just a commentary from my own adult-life experience]--
Ignorance is an excuse--but only for so long--educate yourself. I'm a firm believer in the "put yourself in their shoes" or the "golden rule" philosophy. Basically treat others how you would like to be treated. It's touted as a Christian value, but really, it's a simple concept that most people can easily enough learn and live by, teach their kids at a young age, and so on.
So don't be stupid--
Posted by
4:14 PM
Pea Green with Purple Polka Dots
Our right to be different is, in a deep sense, the most precious right we human beings have. Lillian Smith
I think that difference is a beautiful thing. Sometimes the people I get along the best with are ones that by the pure virtue of being around them makes me stretch my thinking and comfort zone.
So let it be known, i don't care if you're black, white, speak a different language, wear different clothes or just have really abnormal ideas, if you're straight, gay, or can't quite decide yet, or any thing else you can think to separate yourself from the world, I don't care if you're pea green with purple polka dots, you're okay with me.
Posted by
3:57 PM
Who's Got the Goods for '08
Presidential Hopefuls--If I have to hear about it--You do too!
Posted by
10:02 AM
A little about Mr. Mouse
If you check out Mr. Mouse's blog you'll get more of an idea about him--but basically he's a computer geek (that means he gets the job done, unlike a nerd who just plays games all day long)-he wants to work with embedded systems and that will mean a move after he finishes college/grad school if he gets in. Right now we're keeping our options open. We're still thinking of midwest area, maybe farther south to avoid some of the bad weather we have had this winter. He loves trucks and toys-the bigger the better. He participates in the gross language habits with me and makes me laugh. Somedays we're so in sync it's scary. And some days.. well..we just leave each other alone for a while. I really like that he listens to what I have to say (no matter how insane it is) and that occasionally he helps out with the dishes, etc. We have the most fun when we tackle all our chores for the weekend and then just hang out, go for a drive, wander around stores, etc. We both dread Mondays. I think we'd be better off if we'd just win the lottery and not have to worry about working--alas, no winning #s! Maybe someday...
Posted by
8:37 AM
My husband is awesome
A little about me
Knowledge without experience is just information-Mark Twain for quotes and a weekly "ripple" in your email
I've seen a lot of blogs that start out with quotes so I thought I would start out this post with one. My goal is to tell you a little bit about myself, so here goes: I have graduated from college, I have a Mr. Mouse, I currently have a job, I have a large extended family and very weird friends. No, no munchkin mice running around. You'll just have to be patient and wait for that...
In college I was part of the "housing geeks" that thought living on campus was great and that everyone should get involved in leadership opportunities on campus by whatever means possible. That means staying up until 3 in the morning working on a homecoming float with 5 other people and setting an alarm for 5AM to get it in place for the parade. That means dealing with every crazy person who thought at the time that college was the be-all and end-all and therefore everything was super important--even if it wasn't.. and if I hear one more sports metaphor for getting the job done I'm going run screaming in the other direction.
I still think college is an important step for kids wanting to get ahead and I have goals that I hope will help me further my own career. Right now my life is really up in the air. I'm like a marionette, waiting for the other string to be pulled. At this point, I have long since discovered that Plan A never goes right, that Plan B sucks, and that I may as well figure out Plans C,D, E, and F while I'm at it. Ususally I do that with my partner in crime...
Posted by
8:13 AM
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Made- up words and other gross language habits
You will notice from time to time that I make up words for fun and to confuse people. For instance "meeces". Also "ginormous"-a combination of giant and enormous, "fabu-bar"-fabulous and "wonder-bar" which is probably another made up word in itself.
I also ask questions in Spanish "Where is it?" "What is that?" "Who was that?" etc. mostly it's to myself, but my husband is used to it and answers anyway. My mom too, I guess she figured the question was coming and answered what she thought I meant, becuase I know she doesn't know what I'm saying.
When I'm tired of yelling for my husband, or just want his attention, I howl. It started with being around dogs a lot and making noise to see how they'd react and it's just become another form of communication around our house. I've also taken to softly barking at the door if someone walks by or growling at strange noises. It's purely for entertainment purposes, I know I'm not a dog. I'm a mouse!
Posted by
10:34 AM
For those of you wondering, Meeces is the plural in the broader sense of "mice"--and has the same connotation that "my peeps" has in other situations ;-)... If you are a meece, you are very, very lucky!
Posted by
10:31 AM
My husband is awesome
Monday, March 5, 2007
The Men in White Coats- Love Chicken
Men should not wear white suits or white tuxedos. Not only do they look fat, the only guy that can really pull one off is Colonel Sanders.
Posted by
9:31 PM
Huqed on Fonix Wurked fur me
How long do kids have to go to school until they learn to spell things halfway decently? Or to speak with the correct tense of a verb? Mr. Mouse pointed out to me this morning that some little meeces we know have been in school for 5-6 years and are still writing like those that have been in school 2 years or less. There are also some speaking issues--no little meeces "rund-ed fast"--they "ran fast". Is it too much to expect a fifth grader to be able to spell "been there" and not "bean ther" when writing something? I know 2 generations ago, lots of kids only had 6th grade educations, they didn't have computers to spell-check for them, and they could spell "been there"--what does this say about our education system? Is it that much worse than 80 years ago, and if so, why?
Posted by
9:49 AM
Sunday, March 4, 2007
That Old Time Candy Feeling
What is it with candy you loved as a kid that makes you want to dance around naked in the rain to have it again? 2 words.
Gummi Worms.
Although I hate it when they take old stuff and add new flavors. Ick. give me Lime over Green apple any day. Mr. Mouse gets the green and clear gummis!
Posted by
9:57 PM
Worse than PB with Salmonella
Okay so what's worse the salmonella peanut butter? Try getting a letter in the mail from your pharmacy saying "we're sorry, but your prescriptions were left on a truck in the cold for longer than we are comfortable with, please return them for a free replacement..." and realizing that includes your birth control.. which is 2 weeks out and you haven't exactly been abstinent. Son of a...
The good news is that my prescription was not on the truck that tipped over and froze for a few days...well not that one anyway...
I'll take salmonella over the "oh $h*t" factor any day...
Posted by
8:41 PM
Life in the 1950's
I had to listen to goings-on about a "man-purse" today and after about a minute of the men looking at each other like they thought their testicles were going to fall off, I was like, you mean the guy had a briefcase? You know they don't make them all like they did in the old days...and of course got the response.. "no, the guy had a man-purse". Give me a break. I guess that's what you get with small-town men in the mid-west. They have no culture.
Posted by
6:44 PM
Saturday, March 3, 2007
I'm the Head Cheese
Welcome to the Mouse House, where the name is always over the door. I'm the Head Cheese in the Mouse House, although Mr. Mouse probably thinks he is. So come on in and say hi and hear the news from our Hole in the Wall...
Posted by
11:29 AM