Thursday, August 21, 2008

Less worried...and other stuff...

I had no phone call today, which is supposed to mean that I'm diabetes free. That's a good thing. Also I do not seem to have any lasting effects from taking an iron pill today. Also a good thing. I try not to worry too much, but let's face it, diabetes runs in my family and having GD would put me at an even worse position for the future. But, apparently nothing to worry about now.

Also, the Bears seem to be having a good football game overall (Yeah, Orton is starting over GROSSman!) and I'm enjoying watching so far this year. Even with the awful neckbeards. I'm not pleased at the fumbling that's happened, but so far overall we're shaping up pretty good this year.

Oh and by the way, I have 5/7 of my MIL's present done now. I finished 2 today. The last 2 are more complicated so they may take a bit longer, but we will see. It rained all day today so I didn't go out for a walk or anything, unlike yesterday where I took a 2.5 mile walk and the night before my hubby and I did the same walk, plus yesterday walking from the hospital to the doctors office and then kind of around doing stuff and I ended up with almost 4 miles for yesterday. Overall, I'm supposed to have 30 min/day and those measured ones were 50/walk so I should be right about on track for the week.

Sorry if these posts seem so boring. Hope to have more 'real' news soon. Right now though I have to be patient. So please be patient with me.

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